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Writer's pictureLicorne Gulf

Empowering Business Growth: An Interview with Alexandre Katrangi and Irina Duisimbekova from Licorne

By Editor June 14, 2023

In today’s dynamic business environment, securing funding and expanding into new markets are vital components of success for companies aiming to achieve sustainable growth. Licorne Gulf Holding, a prominent player in the industry, specializes in investing and providing comprehensive solutions to assist businesses in obtaining the necessary financial support, forming strategic alliances, and navigating the Gulf region’s market landscape.

We had the privilege of interviewing Alexandre Katrangi, Associate Co-Founder, and Irina Duisimbekova, Founder & President, key figures at Licorne Gulf, to gain deeper insights into their expertise, experiences, and perspectives.

Alexandre Katrangi & Irina Duisimbekova together, seasoned entrepreneurs with years of industry experience, have been instrumental in establishing Licorne Gulf’s strong presence in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, and beyond.

In addition, Irina Duisimbekova brings a wealth of knowledge and a diverse skill set to her role as an entrepreneur. Her expertise in strategic market analysis, licensing, and certifications has played a pivotal role in supporting Licorne Gulf’s clients in their expansion endeavours.

Learn more about Alexandre Katrangi, Irina Duisimbekova, and their company through our interview below.

What is the idea behind Your Company?

Alexandre Katrangi: In fact, coming from the world of entrepreneurship and industry, it was very clear to us from the outset that there was a constant need for companies, whether small, medium-sized, or international, to obtain funds, financing, lines of credit, or investors to participate and contribute to the development of existing projects. This need also extended to international expansion, the anticipation of future projects, external acquisitions from competitors or similar companies, and the development of new structures and segments within the same company.

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